Trademark law provides businesses the exclusive right to use their business or product name or logo and will distinguish their products and services. Trademark lawyers provide services that protect businesses’ brands and prevent others from using their names, slogans, and logos. They represent clients in need of trademark registration and management nationally.
Trademark Law Services
Trademark Law services include trademark registration, trademark renewal, trademark monitoring, and office action responses. Trademark registration protects businesses from infringement, knock-offs, and customer confusion. Trademark renewal ensures that a registered trademark is properly renewed—before all required deadlines pass. Trademark monitoring allows businesses to enforce their registration. Office action responses are required to overcome USPTO application refusals to register the trademark.
Benefits of Trademark Law
Trademark Law can benefit businesses by providing them with trademark registration, renewal, and monitoring services to ensure validity in Ann Arbor, MI, and nationwide. Trademark lawyers provide their clients with the best knowledge possible to help them make informed decisions based on their unique situations. They will prepare a customized report for their clients, weighing the benefits and risks of taking the next step.
Trademark Law with Noble Path
Noble Path Trademark Law offers a simplified process for registering your names, slogans, and logos as Federal trademarks. We provide Trademark Law services to clients in Ann Arbor, MI, and all around the country. Our Owner and Managing Trademark Lawyer John Hilla has over 16 years of practice and provides exceptional customer service and fulfillment. Call us at (313) 380-0492 or contact us online to schedule your consultation today!