Trademark attorneys represent clients and present arguments on their behalf before the USPTO. A licensed and knowledgeable trademark attorney will run a clearance to identify any possible issues before registering their clients’ names, slogans, and logos as Federal trademarks. Before filing for trademark registration, the client should be aware of all risks and issues.
Experienced Attorney For Trademark
Having an experienced attorney in Ann Arbor, MI to help with trademark registration, trademark renewal, or trademark monitoring, will maximize the odds of USPTO approval. Experienced attorneys for trademarks can assist their clients with registering or renewing. They protect their clients by defending their trademark applications against office actions or opposition. Experienced attorneys can help clients protect their trademarks by filing their applications and maintaining and defending their trademarks.
Benefits of an Attorney For Trademark
A trademark attorney can help their clients by providing them with critical legal advice, a thorough clearance search for conflicting trademarks on the Federal register, with state Secretaries of State, among domain names and other internet uses, and help them file a mark registration application or Statement or Declaration for mark renewal. Registration for trademarks protects against infringement, knock-offs, and customer confusion. A trademark attorney can protect the client’s rights and represent them in front of the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
Attorney For Trademark With Noble Path
If you are looking for an attorney for a trademark in Ann Arbor, MI, John Hilla at Noble Path Trademark Law can help you. Our Owner and Managing Trademark Lawyer John Hilla has over 16 years of experience achieving results for clients. We are located in the Metro Detroit area of Michigan and represent clients in need of trademark registration and management nationally. Call us at (313) 380-0492 or contact us online to schedule your consultation today or learn more about us!